Connecticut Personal
Injury Attorneys
New Haven, Connecticut | Weber & Rubano Law Firm

Wallingford Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you or someone you love has suffered undue injury and harm as an outcome of a motorcycle accident, the team at Weber & Rubano is standing by to fight for you. Our Wallingford motorcycle accident lawyers are confident in their ability to bring your case to a successful conclusion.

A consultation with Weber & Rubano is easy and free, with no strings attached. Request yours today.

Why Choose Weber & Rubano to Represent You

The attorneys at Weber & Rubano have been advocating for clients in Wallingford for over 70 years, with millions of dollars won for motorcycle accident victims in Connecticut. Our skilled investigators will document evidence of liability and make a compelling claim to the appropriate insurance company to maximize your chances of a large settlement. We are also experienced litigators who are more than ready to take your case to court if necessary to secure a jury award to cover your financial losses plus compensation for pain and suffering. Our motorcycle accident lawyers in Wallingford offer the following advantages to your case:

  • A free case consultation and no attorney fees until after we secure your compensation
  • A strong local reputation and track record of success to put a powerful name behind your motorcycle accident claim
  • Open communication throughout the process so you’re always up to date on the progress of your claim
  • A team of 10 attorneys to collaborate on developing the best legal strategy for your unique motorcycle accident case along with the individualized attention of your motorcycle accident lawyer from Weber & Rubano
  • A dedicated attorney committed to working on your behalf to ensure you get the most out of your motorcycle accident claim in Wallingford

At Weber & Rubano, we understand the exhilaration of a motorcycle ride and the trauma of the fun ending in disaster on the road, especially when a driver’s careless or reckless actions caused the accident. Let us help give you a voice for justice and accountability.

Data on Motorcycle Accidents in Connecticut

Annually, an average of at least 50 motorcyclists perish on Connecticut roads, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA). 2021 was one of the most dangerous on record for motorcyclists of Connecticut, with 68 individuals dying as a result of a motorcycle crash.

Whether they are fatal or result in injury only, many motorcycle accidents are not caused by the failures of the rider, but by the negligence of inattentive motorists.

That’s why a law firm with experience in motorcycle injuries and accidents can help a victim of a motorcycle accident or the family of a wrongful motorcycle-related death receive justice and compensatory wholeness.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists aren’t perfect and sometimes make mistakes but the majority of motorcycle accidents result from a negligent driver. Motorcycles have a slim design that makes them more difficult for drivers to see and to accurately judge speed. However, drivers have a responsibility to practice vigilance behind the wheel and remain alert to the presence of motorcyclists on the road. Common causes of motorcycle accidents in Wallingford include the following:

  • Distracted drivers
  • Tailgating drivers
  • Drivers making left turns and failing to check for motorcyclists or failing to accurately judge a motorcycle’s speed
  • Drivers making unsafe lane changes
  • Drivers failing to yield the right of way in intersections
  • Car door accidents
  • Speeding drivers
  • Unsafe or unmaintained road conditions
  • Defective motorcycle parts

When you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident due to another party’s negligence, you shouldn’t be left responsible for the consequences. The consequences of a motorcycle accident can be life-changing. Medical bills may pile up at the same time that you’re unable to return to work due to painful injuries. These economic and non-economic consequences of an accident are known as your “damages” in a motorcycle accident claim in Wallingford.

Steps to Take Immediately After a Motorcycle Accident in Connecticut

The aftermath of a motorcycle accident is a traumatic scene. You may be dealing with painful and alarming injuries. If you are unable to move without causing further injury to yourself, you may be able to do little other than wait in place for help. However, if you can safely use your phone—or hand it to a helpful bystander to use for you—you can protect your physical safety and financial future by taking the following steps:


  • First, call 911 to report the accident and request emergency services
  • Then, take photos of the damaged motorcycle and any damaged vehicles
  • Take photos of the accident scene including anything relevant to the accident like skidmarks, signs, an intersection, or a traffic light
  • Add the contact information of any involved drivers
  • Add the contact information of eyewitnesses
  • Record what you remember about the accident while it’s fresh in your mind

After EMS arrives, always go to a hospital and undergo a complete medical evaluation. Be sure to tell the doctor about any mild symptoms as well as the obvious injuries. Then, follow your doctor’s instructions carefully for all recommended procedures, treatments, and follow-ups. Ask for a detailed medical report and a copy of the police report and then schedule a consultation with the Wallingford motorcycle accident lawyers at Weber & Rubano.

How to Collect Evidence From the Accident

Law enforcement officers have to clear the accident scene to aid the flow of traffic, so evidence at the scene quickly vanishes. It’s critical to take photos of the accident scene before it’s moved. Your cell phone is the most important tool to document evidence at the scene. To collect evidence for your claim, store the photos and contact information in your phone. Then, save a copy of the police report, your medical report, and copies of all medical bills, invoices, and receipts for related expenses. If your motorcycle was towed to a repair shop, be sure to ask for an estimate for the cost of the damage or the replacement cost. In some cases, traffic camera footage, dashcam video, or surveillance video from nearby shops and homes may have captured the accident on video. This type of evidence is invaluable during a motorcycle accident claim.

What Types of Compensation Can I Pursue After a Motorcycle Accident in Wallingford?

Motorcycle injuries tend to be severe, with long-term impacts on the victim’s ability to earn a living and accomplish their daily routine. Some motorcycle accidents result in life-long disability. When someone else was at fault for the accident, you can recover compensation for both economic and non-economic damages through a successful motorcycle accident claim.

Individuals in Wallingford and throughout the state of Connecticut are eligible to receive Compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Future income loss due to ongoing treatment, rehabilitation, and related healthcare needs
  • Loss of earning capacity due to accident-related disability
  • Other out-of-pocket healthcare and transportation costs
  • Future medical costs for ongoing treatment
  • Punitive damages (sometimes available for egregious recklessness or wrongdoing such as drunk driving or road rage accidents)
  • Effects On Career Development
  • Pain and suffering
  • Any other non-economic damages that apply in your case such as loss of enjoyment in life, disfigurement compensation, loss of limb, or loss of consortium

Your attorney from Weber & Rubano will carefully calculate your damages to ensure you don’t miss any compensation available in your case.

How is Fault Determined in a Wallingford Motorcycle Accident?

Insurance companies are quick to assign fault in Connecticut motorcycle accidents due to the state’s fault-based insurance laws. An insurance adjuster assigned to the case reviews evidence such as the police report to determine fault in the accident. They may also use common tactics to assign the injury victim a larger than due percentage of fault to protect their profits. For example, they may call soon after the accident and speak to you with compassionate tones. Meanwhile, they record the call and take any remarks you make such as “I never saw him coming,” “I’m just sorry the whole thing happened,” or, “I’m feeling better today” out of context to use against you.

Never say anything that can be construed as admitting fault. Instead, hire an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Wallingford and direct all communication with the insurance company to your lawyer.

What is Comparative Negligence in Connecticut?

In a comparative negligence insurance state like Connecticut, anyone who is 50% or more at fault for an accident the state considers liable for the damages. This means even those partly at fault for an accident may recover a portion of their damages as long as they aren’t 50% or more at fault. For example, if you are determined to be 25% at fault for the accident you can still recover $75,000 in damages for a $100,000 claim.

Because of the state’s comparative negligence laws, it’s not uncommon for insurers to attempt to assign a larger than due percentage of fault to injury victims. An experienced motorcycle accident attorney from Weber & Rubano understands how to anticipate and counteract these tactics by presenting compelling evidence of driver liability.

Caps on Punitive Damages vs. Actual Damages in Connecticut

While there is no cap on actual economic damages in Connecticut for personal injury cases, there is a cap on punitive damages.

The difference between punitive and actual damages, according to the Connecticut General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Research, is that punitive damages award “[victims] of a civil wrong in excess of the actual damages that the victim suffered.”

Connecticut’s punitive damages law is considered one of the strictest in the country by law scholars, with the statute capping punitive damages to cover only attorney fees and litigation costs. As punitive damages are designed to punish the at-fault party, these are only awarded if the legal team bringing the civil suit finds the third party has intentionally and knowingly caused the fraud, misconduct, malice, or negligence.

This is in contrast to damages incurred as a result of the wrongful act, including things such as “lost wages, medical expenses, property damage, and pain and suffering.” The goal of actual damages is to award compensation to victims of pain and suffering on the basis of making them whole again, not to penalize the perpetrator of the wrongdoing.

Regardless of specific damage types, a worthwhile legal firm will be driven to seek the most compensation possible in your case.

Weber & Rubano will Fight to Maximize Your Wallingford Motorcycle Accident Compensation

At Weber & Rubano, we’ve served the Wallingford, Connecticut community for over 60 years. We know the legal tribulations people like you experience on a day-to-day basis.

We’re so confident of our ability to get justice in your case that you don’t have to pay us a dime unless we win. That’s a guarantee.

Contact our Wallingford motorcycle accident lawyer today for your free, no-obligation consultation about your case.