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What to Do After a Car Accident in Connecticut

February 9, 2024Articles

No one leaves their home and steps into their car expecting an accident, but over six million car accidents occur in the U.S. each year. Connecticut alone sees an average of one car accident fatality each day and many more injuries.

Keeping a cool head after a car accident in Connecticut is difficult, especially if it was a serious accident and you or a loved one suffered injuries, but by taking specific actions, you can protect yourself physically and financially. Your physical health and safety are of primary importance after a car accident, but moving forward from a serious accident becomes much easier after a successful car accident claim in Connecticut.

What to Do In the Aftermath of a Car Accident

Car accidents are terrifying, but taking the right steps after the accident helps to minimize the impact of the accident on your life. You may be too injured to move about safely, but if you can use your phone where you are, or hand it to an uninjured person to use for you, you can call for help and then take steps to preserve important evidence for a successful car accident claim. In fault-based insurance states like Connecticut, car accident victims must prove the at-fault driver’s negligence in order to recover damages like medical expenses, lost income, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Use your phone to do the following:

  • First, call 911 to report the accident or ensure that someone else calls for help
  • Then, use your phone’s camera to snap photos of the accident scene and damaged vehicles
  • If possible, take photos of the entire accident scene, including anything relevant to the cause of the accident, like a traffic light, intersection, or skid marks
  • Photograph any visible injuries to prove that they occurred in the accident

Don’t admit fault at the accident scene, even if you think you might have contributed. Be wary of saying anything that could be construed as fault, such as statements like, “I’m sorry,” or “I never saw him coming.” It’s also important not to say you’re uninjured before you know for certain. Adrenaline may mask injury symptoms for hours after an accident.


Always go to the hospital immediately after the accident, either in the ambulance or by arranging transportation to an emergency room. Then, undergo a complete medical evaluation to ensure that your doctor notes every injury in the medical report.

What to Do In the Days After a Car Accident in Connecticut

It’s always a good idea to hire an experienced Connecticut car accident lawyer before speaking to representatives from the insurance company. Insurance adjusters often reach out with fast settlement offers before you know the extent of your damages like medical expenses, lost income, and the compensation you deserve for pain and suffering. Early settlement offers are typically a much lower amount than you’re due and require signing away your right to a lawsuit. By hiring an attorney, you’ll have a skilled negotiator to craft your evidence into a compelling claim for damages. In the majority of car accident cases in New Haven, the insurance company offers an ample settlement when an injury victim has a lawyer handling their accident claim. Only in cases of insurance companies that wrongfully deny or undervalue claims does the case proceed to court.