Connecticut Personal
Injury Attorneys
New Haven, Connecticut | Weber & Rubano Law Firm

New Haven Fatal Car Accidents

Car accidents are terrifying and traumatic, especially when they result in fatalities. A fatal car accident in New Haven and elsewhere has life-altering implications for family members when they must move forward without the love and support of their loved one. No one expects a fatal car accident to impact them or their family, but 42,514 Americans died in car accidents in 2022 alone.

The days and weeks after a fatal car accident are chaotic and filled with grief and anguish for surviving family members. Then, as loved ones begin to move forward through the aftermath, they face the financial burdens associated with the death and turn to car accident fatality lawsuits and wrongful death claims to recover compensation.

What Types of Car Accidents Cause Fatal Injuries?

Depending on the speed of the vehicle at the time of the accident and whether or not the occupants were properly restrained, nearly any type of car accident can end in a fatal injury; however, some types of car accidents are particularly dangerous or more likely to cause catastrophic injury or death. Common types of car accidents with fatalities include:

Car accidents are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States and the leading cause of death for those under age 51.

What Causes Fatal Car Accidents in New Haven?

Car accidents can occur due to inclement weather conditions that cause poor visibility and slippery roads, but most car accidents result from driver error. The most common causes of fatal car accidents in New Haven and throughout Connecticut include the following:

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Failure to yield the right of way
  • Drowsy driving
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Improper merging
  • Failure to adhere to traffic laws

Less commonly, fatal car accidents result from road hazards, poor road maintenance, negligent roadway planning, or defective auto parts. An investigation of the circumstances of the car accident could lead to additional compensation from a defective product claim or claim against a negligent city road maintenance agency.

Compensation for a Fatal Car Accident Claim

After any car accident in fault-based insurance states like Connecticut, the at-fault party is liable for the victim’s damages. When a car accident ends in a fatality, the family members of the deceased may recover additional compensation through a Connecticut wrongful death claim. Wrongful death claims recover compensation for damages such as:


  • Medical expenses before the death
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Lost income for the number of working years the decedent had left to them
  • Loss of healthcare and retirement contributions
  • Loss of household services
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of the guidance and support of a parent
  • Emotional grief and anguish

A car accident claim for wrongful death helps grieving family members move forward with fewer financial concerns so they can focus on saying goodbye to the loved one who died in the accident.

How Can a Fatal Car Accident Attorney in New Haven Help?

No one should have to navigate a complex legal case at the same time they are struggling with a deep personal loss. Insurance companies commonly reach out with fast settlement offers after a fatal car accident, but this is often far less than the true value of the claim and requires signing away the right to a lawsuit.

Call the New Haven car accident lawyers at Weber & Rubano today for the experienced legal counsel you need to get the most out of your claim and give a lost loved one a voice for justice.